About Me
I fell in love with books in the third grade when The Babysitter's Club and Nancy Drew gave me age appropriate drama and unexpected twists to keep me turning the page. Since then, I've been a lover of books, especially women's fiction with a healthy dose of drama, laughter or suspense. About five years ago, I wondered if I could possibly write my own novel and did the seemingly impossible task of opening a Word document and dreaming up a whole world of characters that are all mine. When I'm not writing, I spend my time on soccer fields and in bleachers cheering my kids on in all the sports they enjoy. As a lifetime resident of the Pacific Northwest, I have plenty of rainy days to curl up with a good book.
Member, Pacific Northwest Writer's Association
My Work
After a lifetime of reading other people’s dramas, I knew it was time to write my own. As I have always been drawn to women's fiction with some unexpected turns, I knew my first book would follow in that vein. Following the rule of writing what I know, I created a story that is relational, rooted in family with motherhood and friendship at its heart.
When Everything Fell Apart
Currently seeking representation for a completed work of women's fiction/domestic suspense. Stay tuned!